Western Kentucky University Coaches Taking Pay Cuts to Assist Families Affected by COVID-19

Western Kentucky University Coaches Take COVID-19 Pay Cuts -2

Western Kentucky University Coaches Join List of Coaches Taking COVID-19 Pay Cuts

WKU has just joined the list of several coaches taking pay cuts to assist families struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic. The voluntary pay cut decision of top couches and administrators was announced on Friday.

According to the Coaches Salary Database, Head Coach Tyson Helton made $800,000 in 2019, and will be taking a 10 percent pay cut. Additionally, WKU president Timothy Caboni, WKU men’s basketball coach Rick Stansbury, and Athletic Director Todd Stewart will be joining Helton

>> See how WKU Won Big Over Arkansas.

Where will the money from WKU Coach Pay Cuts Go?

Importantly, the pay cuts are all for a good cause. The voluntary decision will go to the Opportunity Fund for WKU to help families struggling with the coronavirus pandemic.

“The American spirit is people rallying around each other in times of need,” . In our lives, all of us are likely to need help from others at some point. This event has been unprecedented and its impact on so many has been staggering. We are in a position where we can do this, and I know many people throughout the nation are making similar sacrifices. We all look forward to better days ahead.”

Athletic Director – Todd Stewart

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