Viral TikTok Dalgona Coffee Recipe: Add Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream and You Won’t Be Disappointed

Dalgona Coffee Recipe with Buffalo Trace Bourbon cream

Dalgona Coffee Recipes are Flooding TikTok and Here’s Our Unique Kentucky Spin on the Recipe Using Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream

This creamy photo worthy coffee treat is flooding the internet due to spike in American’s experimenting with recipes while staying at home. Some argue that the coffee isn’t good, while other’s say you have to do it precisely as the recipe calls for. We want to do it the right way, making sure that the coffee itself is creamy and fluffy.

Here is what you will need to make a dalgona coffee. Side Note: We decided to add Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream to our dalgona coffee recipe, but it can be done just as easily without.

Dalgona Coffee Recipe with Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream

1 Serving

*You can double or triple the recipe.

Instant Coffee (2 Tablespoons)

Sugar (2 Tablespoons) * You can use regular, brown, raw, monkfruit, stevia, or coconut sugar

Boiling Water (2 Tablespoons)

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream (1 Shot or Desired Splash Amount)

Dalgona Coffee Recipe with Buffalo Trace -

1 Cup of Milk *You can use skim, but we also like it with almond, soy, and oat milk

Pinch of Cinnamon (Optional)

Whipped Cream (If you’re feeling extraaaa today)


Set aside a glass of your ice, bourbon cream, and milk.

Add coffee, sugar, and boiling water in a bowl. Using a mixer will yield the best results. Whip the mixture on high for about two minutes. * You can do this using a whisk if you do not have a mixer, however it can take quite a bit of time to start seeing the foamy fluffy texture appear in your bowl.

Taste test – reminder, this will be very strong but your Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream and milk will dilute it. You can add more sugar if desired but probably not necessary once mixed with the bourbon cream.

Spoon the whipped coffee into your glass with ice, bourbon cream, and milk. Add whipped cream (optional) and a dash of cinnamon (optional)

Using your spoon or straw, swirl it into your glass.

Sip, Enjoy, and Tag #KYSupplyCo in your Dalgona Coffee Recipe with Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream. We’ve seen several variations, so let us know if you find any other fun ways to change up this recipe!

>> Looking for a recipe without a coffee base? Check out our this refreshing Jim Beam Honey Julep Cocktail recipe.



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