4 Bourbon Quarantini Cocktails You Must Try

Quarantini’s are flooding the internet everywhere, so we figured why not add Kentucky’s finest ingredient into the mix – BOURBON! When life’s on the rocks, bourbon seems to make everything better, don’t you agree?

Here are 4 bourbon quarantini cocktail recipes to get you through these troubling times:

1. The Cold-Fashioned

Ingredients:  Russell’s Reserve 10-Year-Old Bourbon (OR Wild Turkey 101 will work just fine), Super Orange Emergen-C

This bold tasting cocktail will knock you off your feet and will surely bring you back to life… or up from the couch. The bold taste of bourbon overpowers the vitamin-like mineral tasting Emergen-C. Vitamins and bourbon – who knew?!

2. The Saturday Night Fever

Ingredients: Jim Beam Ghost White Whiskey, Bloody Mary Mix, Cayenne Pepper, Pink Lemonade Emergen-C

Although it may sound weird, this feverish concoction of pepper and pink lemonade will wake you the f#%k up! Be sure to use some of the pink lemonade Emergen-C on the rim of your glass. The initial sweet/sour mixed with a beam bloody will make you forget all the bad that’s going on in the world. The perfect cure if you’ve been stuck in bed for way too long.

3. The Snotty Toddy

Ingredients: Makers Mark Bourbon, Honey, Hot Water, Lemon-Lime Emergen-C

Just a spin on the ever so loved Hot Toddy cocktail. Add Lemon-Lime Emergen-C and you have yourself a Snotty Toddy. The hot water will clear sinuses, and is good for the soul. Add bourbon, and now we’re really talkin’!

>> Looking for just a good ole’ regular hot toddy recipe? Check out this Perfect Wild Turkey Hot Toddy!

4. The Jolly Julep

Ingredients: Old Forester Mint Julep, Fresh Mint, Lemon-Lime Emergen-C, Crushed Ice

Although we can’t go to the Kentucky Derby in May, we sure can pretend and get ready for September with this rather fine bourbon quarantini cocktail. A cool and refreshing splash of goodness. Add mint garnish and enjoy at the comfort of your own home. *No hat or bowtie required.

Love bourbon as much as we do?


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